Common Ground

Will there ever be a time when Christians will agree and honor the differences in one another?  I assume that will be when Christ returns, when judgements between people will cease and all will be united perfectly.

Over the years, there have been many different groups, factions and independent thinkers who have sought to promote “their” way of thinking in both the doctrine and practice of the scriptures. But this is not anything new!! The same trends and disagreements have been seen throughout Christian history.  

I have spoken with a number of friends and others, maybe you, who held to a “one sided” perspective, partly due to the reality of our youth. As a result, we deemed many, if not all, who did not see Biblical truth as we did, to be ignorant and nonspiritual.  Therefore, wonderful men and women with powerful Godly ministries and wonderful love for God were ignored, and now, we sit humbled by them at times.

I am not proposing a universalist approach to accepting all doctrines and practices no matter what, but I think we are capable enough to extract truth and leave the rest.

So, what is one to do today? What common ground do we have? Is it each person for him or herself?  What is our rule for faith and practice? What is to be believed? Can I take one man’s words over another?  Is there anything or anyone that we can rely on for authority? Who is “REALLY speaking the truth and “DOING the Word?”

I suppose those answers realistically lay in the hearts and minds of those reading this, but I will say this, whoever you are and whatever you may believe or whomever you believe, I am thankful for you and stand united with you as a brother in the Lord.  We may not agree on all points but one thing we do agree on is our love for God and His son Jesus Christ, and that we all are members of the Body of Christ with Jesus as the head.

Maybe our common ground should remain as simple as that, and we as believer’s can exercise our mutual objective: walking with a burning passion (desire) to love like God does.  I cannot think of a better way to help others, can you?

Love is giving.

“Love cares more about who’s hurting than who’s watching.” -Bob Goff