In Thy Presence

Father, I am so continually reminded of your amazing wisdom and insight.  You have the paths prepared by grace and you desire for us to walk in them.

Oh, how my heart yearns to do that, because I know that in your presence there really is fullness of joy.

My prayer today is that I may have a true joy that overflows and that there is absolutely no question it is an outpouring of you and your spirit.

Teach me Lord how to walk in your ways and to have a genuine relationship with you that is two way.  I pray for clarity to hear you and to discern your simple and beautiful desires for me.

It gets challenging sometimes to know which way to go or exactly what to do, but I know you hear me and will help me to live a life fully devoted to you.

May the cares I carry diminish because I give them to you right now.

“If God is your partner, make your plans BIG!” –D.L. Moody

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